AUCCCD Electronic Resource Guidelines
AUCCCD provides various electronic resources exclusively for its members. These resources currently include a listserv, Facebook page, and website. These resources are available only to AUCCCD members. AUCCCD is not responsible for postings on these resources.
Page Menu
AUCCCD offers several specialized listservs for its members. To subscribe to any of the following listservs, please contact [email protected].
- AUCCCD Membership (Primary member listserv)
- Administrative Assistants
- Chronic Illness
- College Student Mental Health & Climate Change
- Comprehensive Counseling Centers
- Directors of Counseling Center and Other Offices
- Emeritus / Former Director
- HBCU Listserv
- Integrated centers listserv
- Multi-Campus Directors
- Professional Schools
Purpose of the Listserv
The primary purpose of these listservs is to facilitate communication among members on topics pertinent to their roles as Counseling Center Directors. Members posting to the listservs agree to adhere to the established Terms of Participation.
The following guidelines outline acceptable member behavior for listserv usage. Much room remains for the free exchange of speech, which may need to be limited at times when such free speech creates more cost than benefit to the members of the listserv. In these cases, the Communication Committee Chair and the Board of Directors will use a “cost benefits” analysis to decide whether to limit communication that becomes unproductive, spiteful, or disrespectful, or significantly falls outside of the functions of our work as Directors. An occasional post of a video, cartoon, joke, poem or personal anecdote may not have direct relevance to our work but may be shared with “Director’s Self-Care Tip” or something similar in the subject line. We do not view such posts as violations of listerv use policy. They can be deleted if the reader is not interested. So the cost is relatively low and the Board is not likely to intervene.
Terms of Participation
- The listserv is available only to AUCCCD members.
- AUCCCD is not responsible for postings on the listserv.
- Members are to use the listserv in a way that respects the dignity of all members and adheres to standards for ethical professional behavior.
- The list is unmoderated. Hence, individuals are expected to be self-monitoring
- Members are encouraged to become familiar with the features, settings, options and other capabilities of their e-mail client system so that they may receive listserv posts in a manner that suits their needs and preferences.
- Do not post messages for which the primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of the author of the post, directly or indirectly.
- Messages that may be of financial benefit to listserv members, but are not prohibited, because they do not contribute to the financial benefit of the author include, news of job listings or position openings, or discussion of professionally-related products or services where the member conveying the information is not in the business of selling the products or services.
- Demonstrate respect for points of view of others. False statement that harms a member’s reputation can be defamatory and actionable as libel.
- It is an infringement of copyright laws to include the full text of copyrighted material on the listserv. If it is permissible, you may provide a brief quote from copyrighted material or a link to the original source.
- Members running for an elected leadership position within AUCCCD or any other organization may not use the listserv for campaign purposes.
- The endorsement of political candidates poses a threat to AUCCCD's maintenance of tax exempt status under section 501 (c) 6 of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, such endorsements are not allowed on the listserv.
- Do not use the listserv for illegal or unethical purposes. It is important to consider ethical guidelines when making postings related to a specific client and the degree of information shared. When pursuing peer consultation on the listserv, it is recommended that members communicate in a manner to ensure confidentiality of clients, trainees, staff, administrators, and other constituents. Recommendations include:
- Use gender-neutral language.
- Avoid referring to specific years, dates, academic programs, academic ranks, clinical data, or position titles that would result in the identification of a unique individual;
- Send your request for consultation to a colleague and ask the colleague to post the request on your behalf. In this way, the identity of the person requesting the information, as well as the identity of the university community member is protected; and
- When it is not possible to discuss a situation without inclusion of potential identifying information, professional ethics require that the consultee obtain a release of information from the client to consult with specific individuals. These consultations should occur via telephone, as email is not a secure/ confidential means of communication.
Third party vendors are not able to join the AUCCCD listserv as the listserv is not a place for sales or promotions. Please do not share names of members with third party vendors without prior permission from that member. If a member posts questions about something third party vendors can provide, ask your colleague if they would like to have a third party vendor contact them.
- The use of discriminatory, oppressive, and/or prejudiced language in postings is prohibited.
Non-Compliance with Terms of Participation
- Members noting a violation of the listserv rules should notify the Communications Chair.
- The Communications Chair will forward violations to the Board for review and possible action.
- Any member found not in compliance with one or more of the Terms of Participation will be contacted directly by the Communications Chair. This contact will be via e‐mail and will be noted by date/time and issue.
- A second instance of non‐compliance with these Terms of Participation will result in the member being removed from the listserv for 60 days with formal documentation made by the Communications Chair.
- A third instance within 1-year will result in the member being removed from the listserv permanently.
Notification of Listserv Guidelines
- This policy will be sent to each member of the listserv and to all new members as they join.
- These rules are sent out to membership twice a year as a reminder in April and September.
Accessing Listserv Archives
The AUCCCD listserv is housed under the Google Groups platform. You may access the archives here. Should you experience difficulty with your school email, you may link your GMail account (if you have one). To link your account, follow these steps:
- Go to Google dashboard (if this is hard to find, use a browser and search for Google Dashboard…you should see a link for it in the results)
- Under Account click on My Account.
- Under Personal Info and Privacy, click Your Personal Info.
- Next to Email you will see a list of email addresses associated with the account. Click on the arrow.
- Next to Alternate Emails, click on the arrow.
- Click on Add Other Email.
*Revised December 2018
Click here to follow the AUCCCD Facebook Page.
The AUCCCD Facebook Page is managed by the AUCCCD Office - [email protected].
Questions? Contact the AUCCCD Office.